Her Double Eyelids are Lasting LONGER!

Fixing uneven eyelids with Optifold.

Summer is a time for fresh starts. Here's a story of Cherry's journey to getting the eyelids she wants just in time for the season!


IG: verycherryy fixed uneven eyelids with Optifold

Cherry found out about Optifold on a Facebook group about Asian Beauty Skincare:

Asian Beauty Skincare Addicts Uneven Eyelids Optifold
Visit Facebook Group


She talked with Ray, who is the inventor of Optifold, and learned the basics of his invention.

Cherry's conversation with Ray, inventor of Optifold, on the Facebook group Asian Beauty Skincare Addicts


Fast Forward to June 2022

After using Optifold for 5 months, her eyelids are symmetric,

can fold more easily, and have

lasted 2-3 weeks in a row without using Optifold!

verycherryyy Cherry's before & after using Optifold Fixed Uneven Eyelids

Cherry's conversation with Ray on Facebook. Her double eyelids have lasted 2-3 weeks without using Optifold


Elegant and beautiful Cherry IG: verycherryyy fixes her uneven eyelids with Optifold

By now, at the time of this posting, her double eyelid creases on both eyes have lasted approximately 3 months without using Optifold!

Read her Facebook review here!

verycherryyy Facebook review of Optifold

Go to Cherry's IG page

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