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Proven to create double eyelids in as little as 14 nights—92% success rate

How was the 92% success rate measured?

This percentage was calculated based on clients who submitted video updates during their first 2–3 weeks using Optifold. The majority achieved visible double eyelid formation that lasted throughout the day after 14 nights of consistent application. The remaining clients typically needed tape adjustments or longer application timelines before results became stable.

What counts as a “successful” crease formation?

A successful case means the user achieved a visible, symmetric double eyelid fold that lasted for at least 10 waking hours without needing additional tape reinforcement during the day. In many cases, clients were able to go makeup-free and still retain a defined crease.

Why does it work so quickly for some people?

People with slightly responsive skin tension lines or existing microcreases often respond faster to Optifold. These clients usually only need reinforcement along the natural folding path. Consistent overnight compression accelerates dermal memory, allowing the crease to hold more permanently within 14 nights.

What if it doesn’t work in 14 days?

Some eyelid types take longer—especially if the skin is puffy, the crease is broken or shallow, or there's an unstable triple-lid formation. Clients who send in video updates of their tape placement often receive personalized recommendations, and those who follow through usually see full results in 4–6 weeks. Optifold offers a 100% money-back guarantee for qualifying users who follow the advising protocol and still don’t get results.

Ulasan Judy OPTIFOLD!

  • 1.

    Tempelkan perban pada kelopak mata atas yang bersih dan kering.

  • 2.

    Kenakan selama 6-8 jam per malam saat tidur.

  • 3.

    Lepaskan perban dan jangan menggosok kulit.

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